Utilizing walmart online deals might make your business to grow and with it, there will be an increase in complaints. There are various complaints which are common which customer make regarding services and products. To have procedures in place which find solutions to complaints which are common will help in resolving issues efficiently and quickly.
Look out for outcomes which are going to satisfy your customers, making sure that they are affordable and feasible for your business. You need to remember that the short term costs concession is worth to preserve a relationship that is long term.
The following are suggestions of solutions which can be used to most of the common complaints:
A product which is faulty:
- Check out the fault with the manufacturer
- Offer a replacement model or a replacement item
- Repair the product if it happens to be under warranty
- Consider replacing the product even if the warranty is not there
- Try training staff on how to explain the warranty conditions at the time of repair and sale.
Product description which is incorrect
- Train your staff about the products which you are selling
- Ensure that there is accurate literature about the product
- Investigate with the manufacturer regarding the product
- Ensure that your staff explain the conditions of warranty
Poor service to client
- The areas of the issue have to be investigated
- Train your staff on skills for customer service
- Rotating of staff so that they can be able to increase their knowledge on a variety of areas
- Support and encourage teamwork
Delivery that is slow
- Leads time have to be investigated
- Re-prioritizing the schedules for delivery
- Training staff on how to provide accurate delivery data to the clients
Poor response to requested information
- Retraining staff in the way to respond to requests from clients
- Setting procedures on the way to respond and the time frames for responses
- Providing more literature for take home to the customers
Lack of communication
- Train your staff in skills for communication
- Implementing documentation system like hand-over the book for the changes of shifts
Staff who happen to be rude
- Train staff regarding skills in client service
- Use and develop the procedures for disciplinary
- Rotating staff to duties which are more suitable
- Reviewing selection and recruitment procedures
Staff which are uniformed
- Ensure the staff know your services and products
- Have literature for products readily available for reference purposes
- Encourage team support and teamwork
Needs not defined accurately
- Staff to be trained in sales skills
Promises not carried out
- Training staff in customer service which is high quality
- Promises of document made to the clients and the mechanisms put in place to make sure that you are able to deliver.
- Encouraging team support and team work
Repeat complaints for the same clients
- Examine what their complaints are all about
- Try determining the reason for the complaints frequency for the client
- Discuss the pattern between your staff and the client
Improving the provision of customer service
The customer service is all about ensuring that your customers are given what they want in the best way and when they need it.